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Retsd Collective Agreement 2018


The RETSD Collective Agreement for 2018: What You Need to Know

The RETSD (River East Transcona School Division) collective agreement for 2018 was recently ratified by the RETSD Board of Trustees and the River East Teachers` Association. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors in the River East Transcona School Division. As a copy editor with experience in SEO, let me guide you through what you need to know about the RETSD collective agreement for 2018.

Wages and Benefits

The RETSD collective agreement stipulates that teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors will receive a salary increase of 1.6% in the first year of the agreement, followed by a 1.4% increase in the second year. In addition to salary, the agreement outlines various benefits including extended health care, dental care, and life insurance.

Working Conditions

The RETSD collective agreement for 2018 also addresses working conditions for teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors. One significant change to note is the reduction in the maximum number of students in a classroom from 30 to 28 in grades kindergarten to 3. This change is intended to improve the learning environment for students and reduce the workload for teachers.

Professional Development

The agreement also includes provisions for professional development opportunities for teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors. These opportunities will allow for ongoing growth and development in their field, and will ultimately improve the quality of education that students receive.


Overall, the RETSD collective agreement for 2018 represents a positive step forward for teachers, librarians, and guidance counselors in the River East Transcona School Division. With improved wages, benefits, and working conditions, educators are better equipped to provide a high quality of education to their students. And with professional development opportunities, they can continue to grow and improve as educators. As always, stay informed on any updates or changes to the RETSD collective agreement by regularly checking the RETSD website.

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