If you own a maisonette and are planning on carrying out any work that involves the party wall shared with your neighbor, you will need a party wall agreement. A party wall agreement is a legal document that outlines how the work will be carried out and how any disputes will be resolved.
It is important to note that party wall agreements are not just limited to maisonettes but are applicable to any property that shares a wall with a neighbor. However, when it comes to maisonettes, the rules governing party wall agreements can be a bit more complicated.
For instance, if you live in a maisonette and are planning on carrying out work on the party wall that is shared with your neighbor, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. This act requires that you notify your neighbor of the work you plan to do and give them an opportunity to object or consent to the work.
Additionally, if your neighbor does not consent to the work, you will need to appoint a party wall surveyor. The surveyor will act as a neutral third party and will help to resolve any disputes that arise during the party wall agreement process.
The surveyor will typically carry out a survey of the party wall and create a report outlining the condition of the wall before the work begins. This report will be used to resolve any disputes that arise during the work.
When it comes to maisonettes, the party wall agreement can be quite complex. This is because the party wall may not just be a simple dividing wall but may also contain structural elements such as beams or joists. In such cases, both the owner of the upper and lower maisonette will need to agree on how the work will be carried out and how the cost of the work will be shared.
To ensure that the party wall agreement process goes smoothly, it is recommended that you work with an experienced party wall surveyor who is familiar with the rules governing maisonettes.
In conclusion, if you are a maisonette owner planning on carrying out any work on the party wall shared with your neighbor, it is important to follow the steps outlined in the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. Additionally, working with an experienced party wall surveyor can help to ensure that the party wall agreement process goes smoothly and that any disputes are resolved fairly.